Thursday 5 January 2012

How to fire and Forget a method in c#

iam not using begin invoke method for fear of potential leaks
first lets create class called AsyncHelper As Follows:
public class AsyncHelper

        class TargetInfo
            internal TargetInfo(Delegate d, object[] args)
                Target = d;
                Args = args;

            internal readonly Delegate Target;
            internal readonly object[] Args;

        private static WaitCallback dynamicInvokeShim = new WaitCallback(DynamicInvokeShim);

        public static void FireAndForget(Delegate d, params object[] args)
            ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(dynamicInvokeShim, new TargetInfo(d, args));

        static void DynamicInvokeShim(object o)
                TargetInfo ti = (TargetInfo)o;
            catch (Exception ex)
                // Only use Trace as is Thread safe

next Create a webpage  and Write to delegate to fire  a method and code will be as follows:

//Delegate Declartion

 delegate  int AddDelegate( int a,int b);
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
//Invoking delegate and firing it
        AddDelegate d = new  AddDelegate(add);
        AsyncHelper.FireAndForget(d, 2, 3);

// Method body
 public  int add(int a,int b)
     return a + b;


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